View Javadoc

1   /*
2    * $Id:,v 1.7 2005/11/03 19:06:29 weiju Exp $
3    * 
4    * Created on 03.10.2005
5    * Copyright 2005 by Wei-ju Wu
6    *
7    * This file is part of The Z-machine Preservation Project (ZMPP).
8    *
9    * ZMPP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10   * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11   * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12   * (at your option) any later version.
13   *
14   * ZMPP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   * GNU General Public License for more details.
18   *
19   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20   * along with ZMPP; if not, write to the Free Software
21   * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22   */
23  package org.zmpp.vm;
25  import org.zmpp.base.MemoryAccess;
27  /***
28   * This interface gives the instructions an abstract access to the current
29   * Z-machine's state.
30   * 
31   * @author Wei-ju Wu
32   * @version 1.0
33   */
34  public interface Machine {
36    /***
37     * The possible variable types.
38     */
39    enum VariableType { STACK, LOCAL, GLOBAL };
41    /***
42     * Returns the story file header.
43     * 
44     * @return the story file header
45     */
46    StoryFileHeader getStoryFileHeader();
48    /***
49     * Returns true, if the checksum validation was successful.
50     * 
51     * @return true if checksum is valid
52     */
53    boolean hasValidChecksum();
55    /***
56     * Returns the current program counter.
57     * 
58     * @return the current program counter
59     */
60    int getProgramCounter();
62    /***
63     * Sets the program counter to a new address.
64     * 
65     * @param address the new address
66     */
67    void setProgramCounter(int address);
69    // ********************************************************************
70    // ***** Stack operations
71    // ***************************************
72    /***
73     * Returns the global stack pointer.
74     * 
75     * @return the stack pointer
76     */
77    int getStackPointer();
79    /***
80     * Sets the global stack pointer to the specified value.
81     * 
82     * @param stackpointer the new stack pointer value
83     */
84    void setStackPointer(int stackpointer);
86    /***
87     * Returns the value at the top of the stack without removing it.
88     * 
89     * @return the stack top element
90     */
91    short getStackTopElement();
93    /***
94     * Sets the value of the element at the top of the stack without
95     * incrementing the stack pointer.
96     * 
97     * @param value the value to set
98     */
99    void setStackTopElement(short value);
101   /***
102    * Returns the reference to the memory access object.
103    * 
104    * @return the reference to the MemoryAccess object
105    */
106   MemoryAccess getMemoryAccess();
108   /***
109    * Returns the value of the specified variable. 0 is the stack pointer,
110    * 0x01-0x0f are local variables, and 0x10-0xff are global variables.
111    * If the stack pointer is read from, its top value will be popped off.
112    * 
113    * @param variableNumber the variable number
114    * @return the value of the variable
115    * @throws IllegalStateException if a local variable is accessed without
116    * a subroutine context or if a non-existent local variable is accessed
117    */
118   short getVariable(int variableNumber);
120   /***
121    * Sets the value of the specified variable. If the stack pointer is written
122    * to, the stack will contain one more value.
123    * 
124    * @param variableNumber the variable number
125    * @param value the value to write
126    * @throws IllegalStateException if a local variable is accessed without
127    * a subroutine context or if a non-existent local variable is accessed
128    */
129   void setVariable(int variableNumber, short value);
131   /***
132    * Pushes a new routine context onto the routine context stack.
133    * 
134    * @param routineContext the routine context object
135    */
136   void pushRoutineContext(RoutineContext routineContext);
138   /***
139    * Pops the current routine context from the stack. It will also
140    * restore the state before the invocation of the routine, i.e. it
141    * will restore the program counter and the stack pointers and set
142    * the specfied return value to the return variable.
143    * 
144    * @param returnValue the return value
145    * @throws IllegalStateException if no RoutineContext exists
146    */
147   void popRoutineContext(short returnValue);
149   /***
150    * Returns the current routine context without affecting the state
151    * of the machine.
152    * 
153    * @return the current routine context
154    */
155   RoutineContext getCurrentRoutineContext();
157   /***
158    * Returns the dictonary.
159    * 
160    * @return the dictionary
161    */
162   Dictionary getDictionary();
164   /***
165    * Returns the object tree.
166    * 
167    * @return the object tree
168    */
169   ObjectTree getObjectTree();
171   /***  
172    * Sets the output stream to the specified number.
173    * 
174    * @param streamnumber the stream number
175    * @param stream the output stream
176    */
177   void setOutputStream(int streamnumber, OutputStream stream);
179   /***
180    * Enables or disables the specified output stream.
181    * 
182    * @param streamnumber the output stream number
183    * @param flag true to enable, false to disable
184    */
185   void enableOutputStream(int streamnumber, boolean flag);
187   /***
188    * Sets an input stream to the specified number.
189    * 
190    * @param streamnumber the input stream number
191    * @param stream the input stream to set
192    */
193   void setInputStream(int streamnumber, InputStream stream);
195   /***
196    * Selects an input stream.
197    * 
198    * @param streamnumber the input stream number to select
199    */
200   void selectInputStream(int streamnumber);
202   /***
203    * Reads a string from the selected input stream.
204    * 
205    * @param address the start address in memory
206    * @param bufferlen the length of the buffer
207    */
208   void readLine(int address, int bufferlen);
210   /***
211    * Prints the ZSCII string at the specified address to the active
212    * output streams.
213    * 
214    * @param stringAddress the address of an ZSCII string
215    */
216   void printZsciiString(int stringAddress);
218   /***
219    * Prints the specified string to the active output streams.
220    * 
221    * @param str the string to print
222    */
223   void print(String str);
225   /***
226    * Prints a newline to the active output streams.
227    */
228   void newline();
230   /***
231    * Prints the specified ZSCII character.
232    * 
233    * @param zchar the ZSCII character to print
234    */
235   void printZchar(short zchar);
237   /***
238    * Prints the specified signed number.
239    * 
240    * @param num the number to print§
241    */
242   void printNumber(short num);
244   /***
245    * Translates a packed address into a byte address.
246    * 
247    * @param packedAddress the packed address
248    * @return the translated byte address
249    */
250   int translatePackedAddress(int packedAddress);
252   /***
253    * Generates a number in the range between 1 and range. If range is
254    * negative, the random generator will be seeded to abs(range), if
255    * range is 0, the random generator will be initialized to a new
256    * random seed. In both latter cases, the result will be 0.
257    * 
258    * @param range the range
259    * @return a random number
260    */
261   short random(short range);
263   // ************************************************************************
264   // ****** Control functions
265   // ************************************************
267   /***
268    * Updates the status line.
269    */
270   void updateStatusLine();
272   /***
273    * Sets the Z-machine's status line.
274    * 
275    * @param statusline the status line
276    */
277   void setStatusLine(StatusLine statusline);
279   /***
280    * Initialization function.
281    * 
282    * @param memaccess the MemoryAccess object
283    * @param fileheader the story file header
284    */
285   void initialize(MemoryAccess memaccess, StoryFileHeader fileheader);
287   /***
288    * Halts the machine with the specified error message.
289    * 
290    * @param errormsg the error message
291    */
292   void halt(String errormsg);
294   /***
295    * Saves the current state.
296    */
297   boolean save();
299   /***
300    * Restores a previously saved state.
301    */
302   boolean restore();
304   /***
305    * Restarts the virtual machine.
306    */
307   void restart();
309   /***
310    * Starts the virtual machine.
311    */
312   void start();
314   /***
315    * Exists the virtual machine.
316    */
317   void quit();
319   /***
320    * Indicates if the virtual machine is running.
321    * 
322    * @return true if the machine is running, false, otherwise
323    */
324   boolean isRunning();
325 }